Ethical Policy

PropertyPortal is committed to an ethical business policy including such absolutes as honesty, integrity and respect.


two person standing on gray tile paving

Ethical Marketing

In their simplest form, ethics are the moral standards one relies upon when making a decision. They define what’s right and wrong, and outline the kind of behavior that businesses should not engage in. A good set of ethics is key for responsible decision making in a business environment.

Ethical marketing refers to the process by which companies market their goods and services by focusing not only on how their products benefit customers, but also how they benefit socially responsible or environmental causes.

To put this another way, ethical marketing isn’t a strategy; it’s a philosophy. It includes everything from ensuring advertisements are honest and trustworthy, to building strong relationships with consumers through a set of shared values. Companies with a focus on ethical marketing evaluate their decisions from a business perspective (i.e. whether a particular marketing initiative will deliver the desired return) as well as a moral perspective (i.e. whether a decision is “right” or morally sound).

Businesses Can Do Good AND Do Well

PropertyPortal is proud of its commitment to giving back and protecting the rights and livelihoods of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. We do not embrace ethical marketing as a cheap gimmick we can exploit to drive sales, but as a core part of our mission and values as an organisation.

Ethical marketing relies on a long-term strategy of continuing education, campaigning, and activism. It’s about helping consumers make better, more conscious choices about the products and services they buy. It’s about changing the way we think about how goods are provided, the people who make and sell the things we buy or use every day, and the communities that rely on fair, ethical trade to survive. It’s about cultivating brand loyalty by aligning our organisational values with those of our ideal customers.

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The 12 principles that form the basis of PropertyPortal business ethics

The reasons for having high ethical principles include:

  • A higher morale within our employees and the organisation
  • Attracting new customers
  • Building higher customer loyalty
  • Reducing the risk of negative press or backlash caused by doing “the wrong” things
  • Helping to make a positive impact on the community
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PropertyPortal will be honest in all our actions, and every communication we make. We wish people to see us making honest decisions, so they start to trust our company because we are not only being truthful, but also being upfront and candid. We believe people appreciate the fact they can take us at our word, as customers only ever do business with those they trust. Our people will not deceive others by misrepresenting the facts, overstating and exaggerating or only giving partial truths. If a wrong impression has inadvertently been given, the relevant information will be provided to our customers to correct their misunderstanding as soon as possible.

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Being ethical in business means maintaining a high level of personal integrity. This is how one earns the trust of others, whether they are our customers, team or superiors. Integrity means having a consistent character that is demonstrated by an alignment of thoughts, words and action. Sometimes it requires a business and its staff to have moral courage to do the right thing, and it takes inner strength to live up to mistakes and admit when a fault has been made. Ethical businesses like PropertyPortal live by a moral code they believe in. We have principles to maintain and we fight for our beliefs – without sacrificing our honour for the sake of just getting a job done.

a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background

Keeping our promises

Our word is our bond. PropertyPortal will keep every promise it makes and always fulfill a commitment. The trust we build as an ethical business means people will like doing business with us, as we take every reasonable effort to fulfill not only the letter, but the spirit of the promises and commitments we have made.

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PropertyPortal people need to be loyal to not just their company, but also their team and themselves, while operating within a strong moral compass. Demonstrating loyalty builds trust, and shows that one can place a high value on advancing the interests of both the company and colleagues. However, loyalty must not be placed above other principles, or used as an excuse for unethical behavior. Loyalty can be demonstrated but always based on an independent judgement. Information gained in confidence must never be used for personal advancement. Conflicts of interest must be avoided, and in the event of staff departures, PropertyPortal will strive to do it on the best of terms. PropertyPortal people should give reasonable notice, respect any information that was gained in their former employment, and never engage in activities that take advantage of a previous position that was held.

a tree with purple flowers on it and a blue sky in the background


In all our actions, PropertyPortal will strive to be fair and just. We are committed to fairness in all that we do, and will not seek to exercise any power for an unfair advantage or use indecent methods to gain a competitive edge. We will never take undue advantage of another person’s difficulties and mistakes. We are committed to being fair, employ justice in our decisions and treat all people equally, with tolerance and acceptance of diversity. Being fair also means being open minded, admitting when we have made a mistake, and adjusting our beliefs and positions when it is appropriate.

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This involves having a genuine concern for others, as well as a sense of compassion. We will be caring, benevolent and kind to both customers and staff, and seek to reach their goals while causing the least amount of harm and the greatest amount of good. Being caring means understanding that there will be an impact on every stakeholder following a decision, and we will always consider the financial, emotional and long-term business consequences of an action. We will not discount the needs of others.

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Being ethical means treating everyone with respect, demonstrating this by being courteous and having an equal treatment of people regardless of who they are. Respect is given because everyone deserves dignity, privacy and rights, and we adhere to the rule that one must strive to treat others the way one would like to be treated.

the branches of a tree with purple flowers against a blue sky

Obeying the law

An ethical business always obeys the law, and never breaks the rules, regulations or laws surrounding our business activities.

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Being ethical in business is also about pursuing excellence in everything that we do. Delivering the highest quality of service or products makes business sense, especially if there is a constant endeavour to always improve.

a tree with green leaves and a blue sky in the background

Being a leader

Our people need to demonstrate the principles and ethics we want our team to live by, and take active roles as leaders to be positive role models. The best way one can enforce an ethical mentality is to lead by example, and creating an environment within our business that values decisions made on principles and standards of ethics.

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PropertyPortal will strive to employ and create ethical business managers. Such people enhance the good reputation of our company, which at the same time boosts the morale of our employees. Our company reputation is very important, as well as the pride and morale of our employees. As an ethical business, our staff need to avoid taking actions that undermine this respect, and ensure that action is taken to correct any inappropriate behaviour of others.

the sun shines through the branches of a tree


Being ethical means holding oneself accountable, and acknowledging and accepting personal accountability for our decisions, and any consequences. Our people will stand up and take accountability in front of their colleagues, their company, and the community.

Holding oneself and our business to these standards will ensure we are not only covered against any wrongdoings, but we will impress customers and staff alike, and build a strong sense of trust with all our stakeholders.

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